Schedule Prospector

A free, handy, Scheduler Assistant tool.
Created with Love

About Schedule Prospector

Schedule Prospector is a free Scheduling tool. It can
help you automate tedious and repetitive tasks such as DCMA 14-Point Assessment,
Reports Graphs, and more!

Schedule Prospector is currently in beta release. I’m doing my best to make it the best scheduler assistant tool and always FREE.

Currently, Schedule Prospector supports only Primavera P6 schedules in XER file format, but there’s a plan to implement other tools and files formats in the future.

Primavera P6 or any third-party scheduling tool isn't needed to be installed on the same machine to use Schedule prospector. Schedule prospector is a standalone scheduling tool.

Download Schedule Prospector

Download Schedule Prospector for free on the Microsoft Store.

visit download page

Contact us

Feel free to leave me a comment on the Schedule Prospector to give feedback about this tool!